Monday, September 13, 2010

Halibut Point State Park, Rockport, MA September 6, 2010






Sunday of Labor Day weekend was beautiful and sunny, so Mark and I took advantage of the convertible and drove to Rockport for the day. We found a lovely state park with a trail around the Babson Farm Quarry and the reservation. The granite quarry closed in 1929. It is now part of Halibut Point State Park, and includes Sea Rocks, adjacent public property. The day was so clear we could see Crane Beach in Ipswich, Mount Agamenticus in Maine and the Isles of Shoals off the coast  of New Hampshire.

Babson Farm Quarry in Halibut Point State Park

View of visitor center across quarry

Mark at the quarry
Ducks in the quarry

Wildflower on path to Sea Rocks
Another wildflower
Spider web in among the rocks

Manmade arrangements

Pile of granite grout debris

Gull by the sea

Tidal pools at Sea Rocks

Dog hole in the granite. Manmade hole held tips of giant hooks called dogs that were suspended by cables and chains from a derrick. Derricks were used to move the giant granite blocks out of the quarry.

 Bollards were set in the shore on on wharves to secure the lines of ships.

Steam-powered lathes shaped rectangular pieces of granite into bollards and ornamental columns.